Online Shopping of Emily

A blog on shopping and economic issues

Why going to the cinema- economic point of view

That is a question I have been asking myself for quite a long time: why bothering yourself going to the cinema. Cost is not somethingcinema you can ignore. First, you have to pay for the tickets and you usually pay for minimum 2 tickets (you and your date, wife, friend). In addition , you have to pay for the parking. Now, will you not want to eat something – with, of course, more costs.

People say, there are movies that can be seen only in the cinema, on a big screen. For example, the movie Prometheus. I read some reviews of Prometheus on different blogs. People think it is the best movie in the last decade and they have been waiting for such a long time for a movie connected to the series of Alien , so I went to the cinema to see this supposed to be winderful movie.

Was it worth all the costs I mentioned above? No. Absolutely not. I have nothing against Prometheus. It not a bad movie. But my point is that economically speaking, we can wait for the DVD version and not only with this specific movie, but with all movies.

Today with advancement in technology, the quality of picture we get at home is not lower than the one we get in the cinema.

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This entry was posted on August 29, 2012 by in Uncategorized.